I am looking for work in the big city of Toronto, the boyfriend is looking at grad school there and away we will go to the Big Smoke.
I want to work in the project management/construction management sector of Engineering so I do have a focused job search. On Wednesday I started a list and applied to about 5 companies, and then Friday I applied to another 4. Most were large companies so I had to do the online application/profile thing every time. By Friday afternoon I was completely and totally frustrated.
Here's how the job search goes (for those who are curious :P).
Step one. Go to the companies website
Step two. Click on careers
Step three. Click on the new grad link.
Step four. Read about how awesome it is to work for that company
Step five. Click on current opportunities
Step six. Scan 10 pages of job postings to find none that apply to new grads.
Step seven. Sigh in exhaustion.
I am exaggerating slightly, some companies did have awesome postings and I applied to those. But some seriously only had senior positions. If the posting says 5 years experience, I apply anyway...however I can't justify applying for the 15-20 year experience ones.
I also caught myself doing something stupid. The minute I applied to some jobs I would refresh my email incessantly, as if I expected to receive a job offer on the spot. "Dear Kaylee, Your resume and cover letter were sooo awesome, we want to hire you immediately for your dream job and give you tons of skirllz (aka money). Love your dream company." As if. Side note, if a company sent me an email like that I would ROFL.
I also got excited on Wednesday after the job search and spent the evening looking at apartments in TO, and discovered my dream place, found out where the nearest Goodlife is, and then looked on HGTV to see if they had a casting call for the show "For Rent" where an expert helps renters find a place and decorates it for them. (They didn't..I was sad). Obviously I got ahead of myself slightly.
So tomorrow I start again, on the hunt for the elusive New Grad position, and hopefully in the next couple of weeks I get at least one interview and even more so a JOB! Fingers and toes crossed!!!