Last Saturday I was up until 3:00am making a casserole. Seriously.
From my meal plan last week I had one dish I didn't prepare and ingredients that were lurking in my fridge, just waiting to go bad. It was a layered vegetable melange which included cooked squash, mashed potatoes, and cooked spinach. This involved cooking the squash and mashing the potatoes and all sorts of time consuming steps. So the only time I could fit it in was on Saturday. (Yes I have no work, and yes I have "free time" I know I know!) Saturday afternoon I went shopping, and Saturday around supper I went to a charity dinner, and then only got home at 11. It was decided-I was going to make the casserole.
At the same time I cleaned my room, did 3 loads of laundry, and had a dance party. The casserole was finally finished around 3:00am. Why it took 4 hours I am not sure, but regardless it was done. This late night preparation was to prepare for supper on Sunday..and the minute that I finished the casserole, I realized I had a meeting for le charity on Sunday, and there was going to be supper provided. Facepalm.
The casserole was quite good however I recommend getting 1. Frozen Squash 2. Frozen potatos and 3. Frozen spinach. This make the casserole take less than 4 hours to put together!
So after two weeks+ of making Chatelaine meal plans, I have a general review. Yes the recipies are delicious, and I am sure very healthy, however I don't like the fact that there is way to much food included in the meal plan, and that most of the meals take probably an hour to cook. It's not cheap either.
For the next two weeks I am doing another meal plan dealy from a magazine called clean eating. Once again doing groceries was an expensive ordeal (there is such a thing called chocolate almond milk, it may or may not be delicious, I have yet to find out). These recipes however are made for 1 or 2 people which I appreciate, and they are easy! Last night's supper took 10 minutes to prepare it was fantab!
Chocolate Almond Milk = delicious.