I recently graduated university and I am now looking for work. After spending countless hours at school finishing my degree and the million other things I was involved with, this sudden free time is kind of scary. Hence the blog. Over the next unknown time period I will embark on an adventure of leisure. Follow along to see how a overachiever, super scheduler, perpetual planner (etc.) survives the NOTHING TO DO!
Firstly, I actually didn't officially graduate in January when I started my blog...I finished school then, and my actual graduation is on Wednesday. The truth comes out!
Secondly, my adventure of of leisure is about to come to an end. As some of you may know, I officially have a true blue engineering job! I will be starting my position at SNC Lavalin on June 20th, in Mississauga ON. I will have a desk and maybe even a shelf to books on! And the Pink Hard Hat will actually be used as a hard hat instead of a identification tool.
I guess I should have talked about the name of my blog before now. I actually do own and wear a pink hard hat..like this:
The past year I used it during my term as president of the engineering society for big events (like in the event above) so if people and volunteers needed me, I was easy to spot (for orientation events, all the organizing committee wore hard hats and it worked super well.) I digress...
I got my pink hard hat working on my first co-op job. I was working at a mine, and had commented on one of the contract employee's bright pink hard hats, and next thing you know, one of them showed up on my desk (a hat, not a contract employee). For those of you who can't imagine working at a mine/construction site, there aren't too many pink hardhats floating around. Or girls for that matter.
At first I was hesitant to wear it. I figured I was already in a minority, why bring more attention to it. Then one day I decided to be bold and wear the hat. I was driving around the mine site doing safety inspections and I noticed people looking at me, I was convinced that I was driving wrong, or breaking some sort of rule...and then suddenly I remembered that I was wearing a bright pink hard hat.
Over time, I realized that if a sleazy worker dude was going to make a comment, I would rather it be about the colour of my hard hat, than about the fact that "OMG IT IS A GIRL WHO IS AN ENGINEER" And the distraction worked perfectly!
Not everyone agrees with my hat, but over the past 3 years I have come to love it, and what it stands for to me. It shows that you can be girly, wear bright pink, and still be an engineer!
As for this bloggity blog, even when I start work I will still be posting! I have a big move ahead (ugh more packing) and huge life dealios to figure out! The theme of the blog may change slightly, and I may have to update the Deats, but overall its going to keep rolling!