Second of all, on the above mentioned TTWLC site I am going to be posting some awesome recipes and food photos soon!!
In other blog news, the main reason why I can't get around to blogging more often is I am having major computer issues. My laptop died when I had one term of school left and I didn't feel like investing in a big laptop so I went cheap and got a netbook. It worked well until I did my senior project on it (last december) ever since it is slow and can be very fussy about the internet. This makes blogging/reading blogs/going on FB very frustrating. Today, knock on wood, it is being pretty good!
So with all that being said, I thought it would be fun to do a quick review of some of the blogs I read (this is only the regular posters, I follow some more, but they seem to have disappeared. Sad face.)
Life Category:
Bower Power- Katie Bower writes hilarious posts about her son Will (sooo cute), home stuff, and life in general. This could also fit in the Home decor/DIY category. I found out about her blog from Young House Love..see below.
Girl Meets Life- Gracie is a 20 something who moved to NYC. I like her blog because her situation is similar to mine, new big city! Her posts are mostly general life stuff, but I totally dig it.
Two Cups of Happy- I actually know this girly! She and I went to High School, and I totally used her "Blogs I follow" section to find some of my favs. J has good taste! She blogs about a great mixture of things, food, decor, fashion, life so it is always interesting to read!
Two Cups of Happy- I actually know this girly! She and I went to High School, and I totally used her "Blogs I follow" section to find some of my favs. J has good taste! She blogs about a great mixture of things, food, decor, fashion, life so it is always interesting to read!
Georgia's Trying Something New- I also kinda of know this chicky. She is dating one of my HS friends. I think her blog is hilarious and I like her fitness posts. She lost a whole bunch of weight since January and is pretty inspiring.
Food Category:
Whit's Amuse Bouche- Not only is this blog hilarious it also features AMAZING FOOD!! I think her blog summary is the most humourous "Amuse Bouche is your one stop shop for all things food, wine and entertainment related. Unless you're Emily Post. Then, you'll probably be horrified." Bahaha!
Fitness/Healthy Food Category:
There a whole bunch of these and they all kind of blend together but individually amazing.
Follow my Fitsteps- Natalie is a fitness instructor so she knows her stuff, she also posts great pictures of food for healthy meal ideas!
Hungry Healthy Hilary- Hilary is a Canadian (Ontarioian even) food blogger. Yay! Also writes about her fitness journey (she also lost a ton of weight and runs marathons now!) Lots of pictures for food ideas!
Real Food Katie's Way-Katie is another Canadian food/fitness blogger! Her husband (or BF I can't remember) doesn't eat a lot of healthy food so I enjoy her recipes that sneak in healthiness.
Home Decor Category:
Young House Love- I have to say, they had me at hello. This blog is amazing, and so popular that Sherry and her husband John blog full time. Yep, it is that awesome. They do amazing and cheap and non-pretentious home decor/DIY projects. They also have an adorable baby. A must read!
Coast to Coast: A Motorcycle Odyssey- No I am not secretly into motorcycles, but this blog is by my Step- Uncle (my grandfather remarried when I was nine, so I got a bunch of step uncles and step cousins through my step grandmother, who are all awesome!) He is traveling from Vancouver to Cape Cod, then on to Nova Scotia, the Gaspe and back across Canada, all by himself on his bike. He is also a really good writer, so this blog is like reading chapters of book!
Birtt in Gambia- Another actual friend of mine who has moved to GAMBIA for 5 months to basically teach environmental engineering. Super awesome. She is blogging about her time there, and just started so if you want a new blog to read, this would be a great one because there aren't a million posts to dig through (yet!)
And that is about it. I use google reader to collect all the recent blog posts, that I way I can skim through the new ones without going to all the individual websites. It also tells me when new stuff is posted!
Any recommendations for me to read!? Anyone else got a blog on the go that I should be reading!?
Coast to Coast: A Motorcycle Odyssey- No I am not secretly into motorcycles, but this blog is by my Step- Uncle (my grandfather remarried when I was nine, so I got a bunch of step uncles and step cousins through my step grandmother, who are all awesome!) He is traveling from Vancouver to Cape Cod, then on to Nova Scotia, the Gaspe and back across Canada, all by himself on his bike. He is also a really good writer, so this blog is like reading chapters of book!
Birtt in Gambia- Another actual friend of mine who has moved to GAMBIA for 5 months to basically teach environmental engineering. Super awesome. She is blogging about her time there, and just started so if you want a new blog to read, this would be a great one because there aren't a million posts to dig through (yet!)
And that is about it. I use google reader to collect all the recent blog posts, that I way I can skim through the new ones without going to all the individual websites. It also tells me when new stuff is posted!
Any recommendations for me to read!? Anyone else got a blog on the go that I should be reading!?
Thank you for mentioning my blog! I always enjoy reading yours too. Can't wait to see your food posts.