Happy New Year Everyone!
I disappeared from the blogosphere for the past two weeks because my vacation was absolutely stuffed with family time and friend time. It was great to see everyone! I managed to visit all of my relatives in Bathurst, my high school friends, my university friends in Halifax, and Mike’s relatives in Cape Breton. Lots of driving around, but I did manage to relax for some of it. Ahhh vacation, why do you go by so fast?!
In between all that visiting I had some time to do a few blog related things. I played around with layout and colors, and as you may notice my blog now has tabs, and advertisements…ooo legit blogging. I plan to use the tabs to organize food (noms), random thoughts, and places I go (restaurants, adventures etc.) This is more for me to stay organized because I often find myself looking for stuff I blogged about and having to search through the archives. Not cool. And did you notice my Pinterest link?! I finally got a pinterest account, and it is filling me with crafty ideas! I also got a snazzy new camera for Christmas (thanks Mike!) so I am actually going to have nice pictures for the blog! I am working on a fancy new header using said camera and photoshop. Stay tuned!
I have decided to have a kind of weekly feature for different things I want to blog about. Kind of a highlight of the week for different things. Each topic won’t have a specific day per se, more so I want to cover all these topics in more focused posts on a weekly basis. Does that make sense??? Any way we will see where it goes. I plan to blog about food, healthy living, projects, random stuff, and a here is what I did this week post. It should work out to 5 posts a week (like a blogger for realz).
With all that being said, since it is the New Year I wanted to share some of my 2012 goals. I know some people don’t like New Years Resolutions but I actually find them effective. I don’t really like calling them resolutions more so goals. Last year my goals were start a blog, get in shape, find a job and a few other smaller ones. I actually achieved those big goals HUZZAH. This year I’m actually confessing them all the blogosphere, so hopefully it will keep me accountable. I am going to detail these more in the upcoming week(s)!
Blog Goals:
- Blog 5 times a week
- Take more pictures for blog
- Complete a craft/DIY project twice a month
Food/Fitness Goals:
- January Diet
- Lose 15 pounds by May 1st
- Go to the gym 5 times a week
ME goals:
- Actually have a bedtime routine (aka don’t read pinterest while lying in bed then fall asleep)
- Keep my “clean” clothes off the floor in my room
- Remember Birthdays
- Stay on Budget
As you can see these are pretty typical goals/ resolutions, but they will make a difference! Tomorrow I am going to blog about my fitness/food plan for January!
Anyone else make New Year’s Resolutions or Goals??? Are they cooler than mine???
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