Saturday, July 6, 2013

Training my Butt Off!!

Hello homies..guess what??...It is two blogposts in 1 week!!

As mentioned before, I am a crazy cat and decided to run a triathlon at the end of the summer…

I am going to do a Sprint Triathlon, so that means 750 m swim, 20 km Bike, and 5 km run. After getting my bike in April and realizing how much I enjoyed it, and then doing a 20 km bike ride for fun, I realized that I could do the 20 km Bike + 5 km run with some training…and I always have loved swimming/the water, so why not!!

Since I had decided to do this right smack dab in the middle of tutoring time I didn’t have time to start training, but I had time to start researching, and I found a good plan online, it is a 11 Week Training plan, which worked perfectly with the timing. I also added some strength training and some hot yoga so my ideal schedule would be:

Monday: Rest Day
Tuesday AM: Swim
Tuesday PM: Run/Body Pump
Wednesday: Bike Ride
Thursday AM: Swim
Thursday PM: Run/ Body Pump
Friday: Hot Yoga
Saturday: Long Run
Sunday: Long Bike

I started on June 18th with a quick 15 min walk/run, then body pump, and after not doing anything except for biking and hot yoga for a long time I couldn’t walk for two days. It got better.

Swimming is my new favourite  I typically go for a swim in the morning (benefits of living in a Condo) and I find I don’t need any tea or coffee when I get to work, it really wakes me up. It is also super easy to roll out of bed, put on a bathing suit and walk down to the pool. Also, at 6:30 in the morning, the pool at the building is completely empty!
I could get used to this!

Swimming also is the most terrifying part of the training. I know that if I get tired with the running or the biking I can take a break, whereas if I take a break from swimming I drown. Which is why I want to really practice that part. I also have been doing lots of research about swimming learning about sighting (for open water swimming) and getting used to getting kicked in the face during the start (Mike is also practising swimming, so he swims in front of me for practice). So far 200 m/300 m is pretty good, but I still need breaks, still have a ways to go to build up my cardio for swimming!

Having this goal for the end of the summer is really motivating me to stick with it. I have shuffled around the schedule a bit, but overall in the past almost three weeks I have only missed 1 “long” run (20 minutes) and a few BodyPumps. In order to be prepared for the summer, I put all of the work outs from the training program on google calendar, and if needed I can move them around, but I can’t delete them. I also put them on that day, and then schedule the exact times week by week. What this means is sometimes I need to be a bit creative, yes I was at the gym a few Sundays back at 8:30 am because that was the most convenient time, and the past weekend I made myself go to bed at a decent hour on Saturday to go to Hot Yoga on Sunday AM. Who am I??

This morning I went for a 30 min walk/run, and THEN went to the gym for an hour (to make up from a missed BodyPump on Thursday). I made up my own total body workout based on BodyPump moves: 

Every exercise x 10...
Squats with Weights (10lbs), Normal, Bottom Half, Wide
Biceps: (7.5), Normal, Bottom Half, Bicep Row
Triceps: Tricep Extension (7.5) Dips(no weight)
Back: (20lb dumbbell) Dead lift, Wide Row, Clean and Press
Chest: (20 lb dumbbell) Bench Press, Lower Half Bench Press, (5 lb free weights) Flys
Lunges: (No weight) Normal, Bottom Halfs, Lunge with Knee Lift
Shoulders: (7.5lbs) Kneeling Upright row, Rotator Raise/Peck Deck
And Repeat! 
Then I ended with 6 core exercises (10 reps each), which I cannot remember :P.
Oh and stretching..that is important..

And then I biked home. Whew. No wonder I am tired haha!
Yes Mom I typically wear a helmet while biking!
I hope to do a recap every week in the week past in Triathlon Training updates..mostly to keep me accountable!


  1. You're so ambitious with your fitness goals! It'll be fun to follow along. Sidenote: I wish I had a pool nearby!!

    1. Hopefully not too ambitious! And the pool is a nice perk!

  2. Hey girly!

    Way to go on this! I wish there was a way for me to follow your blog via Wordpress but I guess I'll just have to bookmark ya ;) Great blog. Can't wait to go through some of your old posts!

    1. You could get Feedly! It is like google reader, you add in all your blogs and then it lets you follow all of them! Really good apps for smart phones!
