Saturday, March 24, 2012

Photo Dump and Everything Else I Missed

Hi peeps!

Whew what a hectic month. March is flying by, and it has been jam packed with fun stuff. I have documented most of it like donating blood, hot yoga, tutoring, hanging out with friends, shopping etc. But some of the stuff I did/eat/wanted to write about didn't now I have a free Saturday to get caught up. This post may be random..but hey that is just the way I roll.

Firstly, since I had a whole post last year about St. Patrick's day I'm going to recap my epic fail of a St. Patrick's day.

It started out on a good track. I had a green outfit prepped..(actually 2 or 3), and I had even made chocolate mint browines/cake for work to celebrate:
Aero Mint!
Side bar: ZOMG I hate baking. I don't know why I even decided to do it. Erica over at the Elbow is a fantastic baker, and I am in awe of her cupcake skills. Yes my cake was edible, and yes the brownies were delicious, but it dirtied every bowl in the process and covered my entire kitchen in green icing. I am like a child. Yet I still managed to impress people at work. I'd love to see their reaction if I busted out my actually decent cooking :). 

Ok back to how St. Patrick's was a failure. Katie, Travis, Mike, Brittany, myself, and our friend Kareem all decided to go to a pub. Along with every other young Torontonian south of Bloor. King St. West was ridiculous. But we were naive and tired to go to Finn's of Temple bar, and there was a short line up but that was just for the patio. They had drinks, and lobster rolls to hold people over as they waited in the 2-3 hour line up for a table. Mike and I scarfed down a lobster roll, and then we decided to try else where. We found a restaurant on front st. with only a 45 minute line up. 
The girlies waiting to get in
The line up meant that the restaurant was not packed and the service was good. Food was ok, but on the last bite of my supper I started feeling really really sick. I can't even blame drinks, because at that point I had one measly ceaser. So we left the pub, and headed back to Katie and Travis's apartment. Everyone else chatted and had a few drinks, and I ended up napping the whole time. I think the lobster roll disagreed with me. Not the evening of drinks and dancing we had planned. I joked with Brittany that I am getting old, because just the prospect of going out made me sick. St. Patrick's day fail. Half of the fail was that St. Patrick's Day made me really halifax homesick. Maybe next year we should plan a weekend trip to Halifax haha!

In other news the weather here has been fantastic! Mike and I have been taking advantage of the time change and the gorgeous weather. Any night I have free we have been walking around downtown to enjoy the weather:
March 13th, if this is embracing winter, I'll take it :)
Some other photo's I found that I wanted to share were food related! 
First, after our trip to costco at the beginning of the month to buy copious amounts of meat, we aslo got a giant piece of salmon. I was hesitant at first, but once I cooked it for supper it was AMAZINGSAUCE. 
Om Nom Nom
I paired with some broccoli, and a simple Greek salad with feta, balsamic vinegar and EVOO. 

And this week I made a sushi salad with some of my leftover sushi stuff. I cooked some rice, mixed up a bowl of cucumber, carrot, fake crab, avacado, and Nori. Throw in some soysauce and wasabi, and a little bit of ginger..and BAM sushi in a bowl:
Way easier than rolling!
And there you have it, my forgotten pictures from March. I am enjoying my free Saturday by watching Ocean 11 on tv for about the 7th time. Eventually I need to not be lazy and go clean and make some food. My big exciting plans for the rest of the weekend are to reorganize some stuff in my apartment. Super fun. 

Anyone else have a St. Patrick's day fail? Anyone else impressed by Costco fish?

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